I have heard several times that one should live each day as if it’s their last, but I think I’ll go further. Every day is a beginning and an end. Try to live each day as though it’s your FIRST AND your LAST.   So prepare the canvas. Try to eat decent stuff and sleep…

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I’m currently on the train. There’s nothing quite so satisfying as listening to a very happy child grinding her mother’s brain into a fine paste by telling a constant high pitched stream of near identical jokes and demanding not only rapt attention, but also genuine mirth. All of the jokes are along the lines of…

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Things I did before I was 37. Hello. This might look at first glance to be one of those “swim with mountains and climb a dolphin” sort of list. It isn’t. Don’t worry.   It isn’t one of those lists for two reasons. 1 – I find them bossy, impossible to emulate and slanted to…

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I am really happy to be bringing back these earrings as a part of my new core collection. The first two people I showed the new pieces to asked me why – Why did I include 2 little silver cats….? Well people are either dog people or cat people, I guess – and the studs…

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Those of you that know me personally will probably be aware that I am usually in a bit of a hurry.   In terms of actual spare time, I am probably (certainly) better off than a lot of the people I know – especially those with kids and other commitments, but I am still making…

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Over the last couple of days, I have put together a collection of a few of the press cuttings I have about hb. I started thinking about the people I have chosen to deal with. And why the majority are stand up comedians.   I have been a fan of live stand up comedy since the…

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I spent a recent afternoon measuring, marking, stitching, measuring again, cursing, tying, threading and cursing. A couple of years ago I found 3 matching pale blue leather “skins” on etsy and happily imported them. And put them in a zip up bag with pictures of ice creams on it and ignored them. About THIRTEEN years…

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If you don’t follow me on twitter (and IF you don’t, it’s a shame. I have come up with something truly awesome for the advent countdown…. Follow me here!! – you’ll have missed me dying my hair orange and white earlier this week too. It’s too late now!! It’s back to blondish again, but I did…

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The story behind the Peacock bangle. spot the difference – the first Peacock bangle from 2006 and the new version available HERE. As with a lot of pieces, this started off as a competition entry. I had designed leaves and flowers at this point. Designing a peacock feather without colour felt like a strange thing…

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harriet bedford design